期刊:Molecular Plant
标题:ESCRT-I component VPS23A sustains salt tolerance by strengthening the SOS module in Arabidopsis
12日龄的拟南芥在150 mM NaCl处理5h
0.1 mM CaCl2, 0.1 mM KCl, 0.5 mM NaCl, and 0.3 mM MES,pH5.8
在这里我们报告说,VPS23A是运输所需的内体分选复合物(ESCRT)的组成部分,在SOS模块赋予植物耐盐性的功能中起着至关重要的作用。VPS23A增强了SOS2 / SOS3复合体的相互作用。
(D and E)Net Na+ fluxes in root tips. Non-invasive Micro-test Technology (NMT) was used for Na+ flux measurement in vivo. 10-day-old seedlings cultured in liquid ½MS medium were treated with 0 (D, upper panel) or 150 mM NaCl (D, lower panel) for 5 h, and then the continuous transient Na+ fluxes were recorded for about 6 min. Each point is the mean of four individual plants (D). Quantitative analysis of the means of net Na+ fluxes within the continuous period of 0–6 min as shown in (E).The values are means ± SD of three independent repeats. *P value <0.05.
Salt-Overly-Sensitive (SOS) signaling module comprising the sodium-transport protein SOS1 and the regulatory proteins SOS2 and SOS3, is well known as the central salt excretion system that helps plants against salt accumulation.
Here we report that VPS23A, a component of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), plays an essential role in the function of the SOS module to confer plant salt tolerance. VPS23A enhances the interaction of the SOS2/SOS3 complex.
In the presence of salt stress, VPS23A positively regulates the process of re-distribution of SOS2 to the plasma membrane and then activates the antiporter activity of SOS1 to reduce Na+ accumulation in plant cells. Genetic evidence demonstrated that salt tolerance achieved by the overexpression of SOS2 and SOS3 depended on VPS23A. Taken together, our results identified that VPS23A is a crucial regulator of the SOS module that affects the subcellular localization of SOS2 to the cell membrane.
Moreover, the strong salt tolerance of Arabidopsis seedlings conferred by a membrane-bound SOS2 revealed the significance of the action of SOS2 sorting to the cell membrane in achieving its function.